Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2018 CERN.
# Asclepias Broker is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details.
"""Relationships search API."""

from itertools import groupby

from invenio_db import db

from ..core.models import Identifier, Relation
from ..graph.api import get_group_from_id
from ..graph.models import Group, GroupRelationship, GroupType, \
from ..schemas.loaders import from_datacite_relation

[docs]class RelationshipAPI: """Relationship API."""
[docs] @classmethod def print_citations(self, pid_value): """Print citations of an identifier.""" id_A = Identifier.query.filter_by(scheme='DOI', value=pid_value).one() full_c = self.get_citations( id_A, with_parents=True, with_siblings=True, expand_target=True) from pprint import pprint pprint(full_c)
[docs] @classmethod def get_citations(self, identifier, with_parents=False, with_siblings=False, expand_target=False): """Get citations of an identfier from the database.""" # At the beginning, frontier is just identities frontier = identifier.get_identities() frontier_rel = set() # Expand with parents if with_parents or with_siblings: parents_rel = set( sum([iden.get_parents(Relation.HasVersion, as_relation=True) for iden in frontier], [])) iden_parents = [item.source for item in parents_rel] iden_parents = set( sum([p.get_identities() for p in iden_parents], [])) if with_parents: frontier_rel |= parents_rel frontier += iden_parents # Expand with siblings if with_siblings: children_rel = set( sum([p.get_children(Relation.HasVersion, as_relation=True) for p in iden_parents], [])) frontier_rel |= children_rel par_children = [ for item in children_rel] par_children = set( sum([c.get_identities() for c in par_children], [])) frontier += par_children frontier = set(frontier) # frontier contains all identifiers which directly cite the resource citations = set( sum([iden.get_parents(Relation.Cites, as_relation=True) for iden in frontier], [])) # Expand it to identical identifiers and group them if they repeat expanded_sources = [c.source.get_identities() for c in citations] zipped = sorted(zip(expanded_sources, citations), key=lambda x: [xi.value for xi in x[0]]) aggregated_citations = [ (k, list(vi for _, vi in v)) for k, v in groupby(zipped, key=lambda x: x[0])] frontier_rel = list(frontier_rel) + list(set( sum([item._get_identities(as_relation=True) for item in frontier], []))) if expand_target: aggregated_citations += [(list(frontier), frontier_rel)] return aggregated_citations
[docs] @classmethod def get_citations2(self, identifier, relation: str, grouping_type=GroupType.Identity): """Get citations of an identfier from the database.""" grp = get_group_from_id(identifier.value, identifier.scheme, group_type=grouping_type) relation, inverse = from_datacite_relation(relation) object_fk = GroupRelationship.source_id target_fk = GroupRelationship.target_id if inverse: object_fk, target_fk = target_fk, object_fk res = ( # TODO: +join by metadatas db.session.query(GroupRelationship, Group, Identifier) .filter(object_fk ==, GroupRelationship.relation == relation) .join(Group, target_fk == .join(Identifier2Group, target_fk == Identifier2Group.group_id) .join(Identifier, Identifier2Group.identifier_id == .order_by( .all() ) from itertools import groupby result = [(k, list(v)) for k, v in groupby(res, key=lambda x: x[1])] return result