
Configuration for Asclepias Broker.

See also Invenio-Config for more details, like e.g. how to override configuration via environment variables or an invenio.cfg file.

asclepias_broker.config.SECRET_KEY = 'CHANGE_ME'

Flask’s SECRET_KEY. This is an essential variable that has to be set before deploying the broker service to a production environment. It’s used by Invenio/Flask in various places for encrypting/hashing/signing sessions, passwords, tokens, etc. You can generate one using:

python -c 'import os; print(os.urandom(32))'
asclepias_broker.config.SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'postgresql+psycopg2://asclepias:asclepias@localhost/asclepias'

SQLAlchemy database connection string.

See also SQLAlchemy’s Database Urls docs.

asclepias_broker.config.SEARCH_ELASTIC_HOSTS = [{'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9200}]

Elasticsearch hosts configuration.

For a single-node cluster you can configure the connection via the following environment variables:

  • ELASTICSEARCH_HOST and ELASTICSEARCH_PORT. localhost and 9200 by default respectively

  • ELASTICSEARCH_URL_PREFIX. URL prefix for the Elasticsearch host, e.g. es would result in using http://localhost:9200/es

  • ELASTICSEARCH_USER and ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD. Used for Basic HTTP authentication. By default not set


For more complex multi-node cluster setups see Invenio-Search documentation.

asclepias_broker.config.REDIS_BASE_URL = 'redis://localhost:6379'

Redis base host URL.

Used for Celery results, rate-limiting and session storage. Can be set via the environment variable REDIS_BASE_URL.

asclepias_broker.config.BROKER_URL = 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/'

Celery broker URL.

See also Celery’s documentation.

asclepias_broker.config.SENTRY_DSN = None

Sentry DSN for logging errors and warnings.

asclepias_broker.config.ASCLEPIAS_SEARCH_INDEXING_ENABLED = False

Determines if the search index will be updated after ingesting an event